
Annual Exams

Adult Care and Primary Care located in Las Vegas, NV
Annual Exams

Annual Exams services offered in Las Vegas, NV

Annual exams are important at every stage of your life, but they’re even more essential as you get older and face age-related changes and the increasing risk of chronic health conditions. The team at Frontier Adult Day Care in Las Vegas, Nevada, offers annual exams to adults 65 and older, whether they’re in the community or on-site for adult day services. Annual exams at Frontier Adult Day Care promote your ongoing health and wellness. Call the office or book online today to schedule your yearly checkup.

Annual Exams Q & A

Why do I need annual exams?

Annual exams are the foundation of preventive health care. Getting a yearly exam allows your Frontier Adult Day Care provider to assess your overall health, identify new concerns, and get ahead of potential issues before they cause serious complications.

What happens during my annual exam?

Your provider reviews your medical history, takes your vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and weight), learns about medications you take, and listens to concerns you may have about your health.

In addition to completing a thorough physical exam, your provider focuses on challenges associated with aging. For example, they may check for any of the following:

  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Social isolation
  • Frailty
  • Mobility issues
  • Gait changes
  • Balance problems
  • Muscle weakness
  • Risk for injuries and falls
  • Ability to take care of yourself

Your provider runs routine blood tests for conditions like diabetes, high cholesterol, and signs of heart disease. They may also order other specialized tests, depending on the results of your exam and any existing health conditions. Your Frontier Adult Day Care provider refers you to a specialist if they identify a serious injury. 

What services might I receive during my annual exam? 

Your Frontier Adult Day Care provider specializes in diagnosing and treating the full range of health challenges in adults. These are a few of the services available during your annual exam:

  • Women’s health
  • Men’s health
  • Vaccinations
  • Skin exam
  • Sports physical
  • Wellness care
  • Chronic disease management
  • Cognitive assessment
  • Mental health evaluation
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Weight loss management

Your provider also performs risk assessments and reminds you if it’s time for any health screenings, such as screening for breast, prostate, lung, or colon cancer.

Is medication management included in my annual exam?

Medication management is an important service for people aged 65 and over. Many adults take one prescription medicine, and one in five adults takes more than five.

While you may need multiple medications to support chronic diseases, the more medicines you take, the higher your risk of developing dangerous side effects.

Unfortunately, side effects are easily missed when they masquerade as problems expected in older adults. For example, balance problems and memory loss can arise from certain medications. 

Your Frontier Adult Day Care provider monitors all your medications, ensuring you’re not at risk for unwanted interactions or side effects.

If it’s time for your annual exam, call Frontier Adult Day Care or request an appointment online today.